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Written by Callum Oakaby Wright


After the family dog dies, Mum and Dad debate about whether or not to tell their daughter, Nina.

Starring - Christopher Jamieson

                 Madeleine Macmahon

                 Matilda Doctor

A prospective short film about a man living with dementia, and his son who tries to help him find peace. 
Starring - Brent Ridge
               James Dallimore
               Madeleine McMahon
               Helen Watkinson
Orchard Road
A middle aged man takes pride in the flowers he takes care of in his allotment, but when the flowers die, it uncovers the dark secret of Orchard Road.
Starring - Paul McKay
               Mark Garvey
Frank answers a sales call and meets it with disapproval, but just before he hangs up, the salesman starts having a fit.
Starring - Devauna MacFarlane
                Dineth Epaliyana
Maybe Not
Ronnie Priestess decides after a series of misfortunes to take his own life
Starring - Steffan Honour
                Freya Darcy
                Mark Garvey
                Ryan Beman
The Bionic Girl
After a young girl is in a car accident, her arm and eye is replaced by bionic versions.
Directed by - Tonje Ness Meindhart
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